Resources for Law Enforcement
About Saturn
Saturn is the first calendar to support high school students. Saturn supports all of the irregularities of high school schedules, whether that is lunch waves, block schedules, or unusual rotation patterns. It’s designed to alleviate the stresses of time management and help students become more productive and engaged members of their school community.
Saturn is not a social media platform. We are a productivity app first and foremost. Unlike social media apps, we believe that students’ most important community is the community closest to them - their classmates. Saturn has a number of features that allow students to engage with one another, including choosing to share their schedule with friends at their school, or creating calendar events to share with other students at their school.
We believe in creating a vibrant and informative environment for all users and their school communities. To do so, we maintain a set of Community Guidelines that function as rules and standards for using our platform.
Saturn aims to be collaborative and cooperative with parents, educators, and Law Enforcement when it comes to maintaining a safe atmosphere on the app. If there are any questions on content on the platform, we encourage you to reach out to our team at legal@joinsaturn.com.
How We Handle Emergencies
We maintain rigorous content moderation processes in public forums. We also rely on users reporting content that makes them feel uncomfortable and doesn't have a place on Saturn.
There are various ways to report content on Saturn in and out of the app, as shown on our Reporting Guide. We encourage users to report any content that is inappropriate or violates our Community Guidelines. Parents and educators / school administrations can also report content. Once a violation is reported, it is sent to a member of our dedicated Safety team for review and take appropriate action. If we believe there is a risk of imminent harm to any user or Saturn community, we take steps to assist, like reaching out directly to Law Enforcement, school administrations, or crisis resources.
We also aim to collaborate with Law Enforcement to resolve situations expeditiously. Please contact us at legal@joinsaturn.com to escalate any concerns. In addition, Law Enforcement can refer to our guidelines for data requests.